GUIDE PRICE £1,100,000- £1,200,000. Post war built 4 bedroomed detached house of some 1925 sq. ft with a well-established westerly facing garden EPC Rating: D
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GUIDE PRICE £1,100,000- £1,200,000. Post war built 4 bedroomed detached house of some 1925 sq. ft with a well-established westerly facing garden EPC Rating: D
GUIDE PRICE £1,100,000- £1,200,000 - Offered to the market for the first time since 1979 is this handsome post war built four bedroomed detached house with a delightful westerly facing garden. Having been the subject of extension in previous years, this charming home now provides some 1925 sq. ft of flexible family accommodation with potential for further enlargement, subject to the usual consents. Situated within close proximity of Bickley Railway Station, we highly recommend your earliest possible viewing. EXCLUSIVE TO GEORGE PROCTOR & PARTNERS. EPC Rating: D
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Important Information
- This is a Freehold property.